Discover and prepare at home 3 must-have Mexican sauces which will transform the way you enjoy the typical dishes of this rich gastronomic tradition.
Mexican cuisine is a universe of intense flavors and varied textures. Among the essential components of this gastronomic heritage, sauces stand out, the true protagonists of many dishes.
Pico de Gallo
This raw sauce, also known as fresh saucea, combine ripe red tomatoes, onion, coriander, chili peppers jalapeño and lime juice. The result is a fresh and lively condiment, perfect for accompanying nachos, tacos or simply as a condiment for grilled meats. It is the ideal sauce for those who love strong but balanced flavours.
The ingredients for my version:
- 3 ripe tomatoes finely chopped
- 1 medium onion chopped
- 1 fresh chili pepper, chopped (jalapeño would be best)
- the juice of 1 lime
- fresh chopped coriander to taste
- Salt to taste
Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and let rest for at least 20 minutes before serving.
Among Mexican sauces, Mole is perhaps the most complex and aromatic, famous above all for its use in the dish “chicken with mole”. It combines chocolate, chili peppers and spices to create a unique and unforgettable flavor that pairs well with meats and vegetables.
The ingredients for my version:
- 4 dried chillies without seeds and stems (for the original recipe use the too* and/or pasilla*)
- 50 g of dark chocolate
- 2 tablespoons sesame seeds
- 1 tablespoon peanuts
- 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- 3 cloves
- 500ml chicken broth
Lightly toast chili peppers, sesame seeds and peanuts. Blend all the ingredients in a blender, adding broth to obtain the desired consistency. Cook over a low heat for 45 minutes, adding salt and pepper.
Loved all over the world, Guacamole is an avocado cream enriched with lime, onion, tomatoes and coriander. This sauce is perfect for spreading on toast or as an accompaniment to meat dishes. The key to great Guacamole is to use perfectly ripe avocados. Obviously there are different versions, regional and local.
The ingredients for my version:
- 2 ripe avocados
- 1 small tomato, chopped
- 1/2 onion, finely chopped
- Juice of 1 lime
- Fresh coriander, chopped to taste
- Salt and black pepper to taste
Mash the avocado pulp in a bowl until you obtain a creamy consistency, add the other ingredients and mix well.
And if that wasn’t enough for you
Five other sauces that deserve attention include the green sauce with tomatillos and green chilies, the red sauce with a smoky flavour, the chipotle saucecreamy and with a distinctive smoky aftertaste, the taquera saucespicy and intense, and the ranchera sauce, rustic and aromatic. Each of these adds a unique dimension of flavor to traditional Mexican dishes.
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