With this Chocolate salami cake, the iconic pantry-emptying recipe changes shape and dress, becoming even more elegant and irresistible. And it turns into small, single-portioned tastings with an anti-waste soul.
Chocolate salami is one of the most loved sweet and no-cook recipes prepared at home, but have you ever tasted it in the form of a single-portion cake? This silicone mold for mini bundt cakes does the magic (you can find a similar one here*), to be brushed with a little melted chocolate to make the external surface even smoother and shiny.
This chocolate salami cake is one of mine too anti-waste recipes favorite. In fact, you can make it by emptying the pantry of broken biscuits, old snacks and nut crumbs. Even chocolate can be recycled… what better opportunity to recycle Easter eggs, old chocolates and opened bars left at the back of the pantry?
And if that wasn’t enough, it’s also one recipe without cooking, perfect for the hottest days, when turning on the stove is just out of the question. In fact, one turn of the microwave will be enough to heat the chocolate, the freezer will do the rest of the work.
The video recipe for the chocolate salami cake
You find it on my Instagram channel @lennesimobloga recipe for “low impact” cuisine for my column LIGHT UP THE APPETITE on the new channel @accendilucegas
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