Tag: Bible

October Bible Readings Checklist: Full Page and Bookmarks by Gordon Ramsay

October Bible Readings Checklist: Full Page and Bookmarks


Hello friends! Below please find the October Bible Reading Printables. These are handy to print out and help you keep up with where you are in the plan. The goal is to check in and do your readings daily and hopefully this will be another great reminder to do just that. There is a full sheet printable and a printable that can be cut apart into bookmarks. The bookmarks are great to share!  For more faith based encouragement, visit my Faith Homepage.

Click here to get the printable full sheet of Bible Readings

Click here to download the full sheet of bookmarks for the October Readings 

To get November’s checklists, please click here

The post October Bible Readings Checklist: Full Page and Bookmarks appeared first on Southern Plate.

Genesis 12-15 Deep Diving Bible Study by Gordon Ramsay

Genesis 8-11 Deep Diving Bible Study


Saturday’s readings are: Genesis 12-15. 

Rabbit Trails

Covenants Continue today in our reading!

As I mentioned yesterday, we will learn a great deal about covenants as we read through the Bible this year.

🌿There are two types of covenants: Conditional and Unilateral.

  • Conditional covenants are ones that require something from both parties, they are conditional. 
  • Unilateral are those that hold no conditions or requirements from the other.

🌿Yesterday, we saw YHWH make a unilateral covenant with all living things in that He will never again destroy the inhabitants of the earth by flood. Nothing was required of us in exchange for that and the covenant stands forever – which is why we should still be in awe whenever we see a rainbow in the sky!

🌿Today, we are seeing another covenant made with Abraham and his descendants. Abraham has to ratify (give formal consent to) the covenant at the start by fulfilling what YHWH required of him – to leave his country, his family, and his father’s house and to follow YHWH to the land He would lead him to. This is another one of YHWH’s patterns in that He elects and separates His people from those that would deter or detract them from His purpose. It is very likely that Abraham’s family worshiped many gods and tradition states that his father may have even been a maker of idols so it would make sense that in order to worship the one true God, leaving this culture of idolatry behind would be necessary.

However, we do need to be careful not to try to apply human reason to why we should obey YHWH. He is God, we are not, plain and simple.

🌿Either way, we will see this electing and separating a lot in Scripture and we will see warnings of YHWH to His people not to intermarry or associate with idolators and such because a little yeast leavens the whole loaf (in fact, that exact phrase is used a few times in the Bible). We will also see examples where YHWH’s people did not heed His advice, intermarried with tribes that worshipped idols or did not separate themselves from those YHWH warned against, and suffered as a result.

🌿Once Abraham performed what was required of him in this covenant, the remainder rested entirely upon YHWH – so we can be certain that it will be upheld from there.

🌿In YHWH making this covenant, it becomes a law of the universe, an inescapable promise that will come to pass no matter what we do.

🙌Our Father is a covenant keeper and when YHWH says something will happen, man cannot stop it.

🌿Genesis 12: We see that YHWH has told Abraham that he will be the father of a nation. However, we have to keep in mind that we know how this story ends, but Abraham doesn’t. Abraham is an old man, his wife is advanced past childbearing years, and he is childless. 

🌿Verse 12:4 could provide some insight into how Abraham is envisioning this happening when we see he takes his wife and his nephew, Lot, with him. Lot is already part of his household and was no doubt set up to be the heir to Abraham’s wealth. They reach an impasse, though, when a dispute erupts and they decide to separate. 

🌿Note where Lot goes: there is a description of his choice of residence in Genesis 13:13 which will come into play later. Abraham, however, continues obeying YHWH in faith, even though he has no apparent heir.

🌿YHWH added to this covenant in Genesis 13:15 by promising a particular land to Abraham and his offspring “forever”.

🌿In Genesis 15 this land is defined and you can see a map of that land at the following link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Promised_Land

As you probably already know, this land includes Israel. This land belongs to the descendants of Abraham (He is the grandfather of the twelve tribes of Israel) forever. Regardless of where you stand on Israel, the Bible is clear about where God stands.

~Special reminder: politics are not a topic of discussion allowed in our group.~

🌿Sara was likely around 75 years old when the pharaoh found her beauty irresistible.

🌿When Abraham told Sara to tell folks she was his sister, it wasn’t really a lie. She was his half sister as they shared the same father. Genesis 20:12

🌿YHWH is a God of patterns. Did you see the beginning of a pattern today in the interaction of Egypt with YHWH’s people? This begins a pattern of conflict between YHWH’s chosen people and Egypt – and YHWH sending out plagues when they lock horns. This go around the pharaoh had sense enough not to cross YHWH but in Exodus we’ll see a very different reaction.

🌿13:17 when YHWH tells Abraham to walk the length of his land, this was a legal custom known as chazakah. Anytime a person took possession of a parcel of land, they had to walk the perimeter of it as a sign of ownership, a way of “marking their territory”. Some kings even walked the perimeter of their kingdom from time to time for this very reason, a symbolic demonstration for their subjects.

A verse that helps us connect the dots:

If you belong to Messiah, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. ~Galatians 3:29

Wow, think on that today!

🌿Backtracking a bit: There has been a lot of discussion about Genesis 6 and the 120 years lifespan. There has also been discussion about how man could possibly live hundreds of years and whether or not this was an actual number or figurative. I want to address that a bit from my viewpoint and encourage you to test it and discard if you find it does not prove true. 

When man began to multiply on the face of the land and daughters were born to them, the sons of God saw that the daughters of man were attractive. And they took as their wives any they chose. Then the Lord said, “My Spirit shall not abide in man forever, for he is flesh: his days shall be 120 years.” Genesis 6:1-3

Here is a theory that is worth looking into: If we read Genesis 6  in context, the Father is speaking about man becoming evil and that He is going to put an end to that evil. This is before the flood took place and many believe (based on more math than I’m able to do at this point in my day) that the flood took place 120 years after the Father made this statement. Definitely something worth dig deeper on.

As a result, while the popular thought is that this is limiting man’s lifespan, Scripture doesn’t back that up in terms of the ages we are told they lived after this fact. However, that the Father was speaking of the coming flood does appear to hold water. (totally intentional pun) 😉

Another note regarding ages and a caution: I think one of the most surprising things for Believers to discover is that a great many Bible scholars do not consider the Bible to be true, but rather they consider it to be a collection figurative literature. I actually saw a commercial for an online faith based university this past week where a professor was discussing his Genesis class and this professor considered Genesis to be figurative literature, not truth. Believers were jazzed as all get out about that class in the comments because that little subtlety escaped their notice. And so, thousands of believers will sit, eagerly, and pay to be taught that the Bible is not true – and never even realize it.

When people who see the Bible this way come upon numbers like people living over 500 years, etc, their logic tells them that this is not possible because they haven’t seen it in our time and so it must be a figurative number or symbol of something else.

As humans, we are always always always trying to put YHWH in a box, condense Him down so He fits into a thought that makes sense to us. And so, we take miracles and works of the Father and we dismiss them because we can’t wrap our little human brains around an infinite and all powerful God. 

People even think Revelations is entirely symbolic and figurative but if you imagine John living in his time, with no knowledge of what our military vehicles or aircrafts or bombs look like today, then you show him a vision of a great world war in the middle of taking place with these modern machines – he would try to explain it in the terms like we see in Revelation.

Not realizing that many scholars do not believe the Bible to be true, I think a lot of Believers don’t realize that they’ve been taught to doubt the word of YHWH by scholars who never believed it was true to begin with. A little leaven leavens the whole lump – all the enemy has to do is plant a tiny seed of doubt.

I’m telling you what, this is going to be a journey because we are going to see and learn so much about Him and grow closer to Him than we ever dreamed possible! And guess what else?

Every word of God proves true; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Proverbs 30:5

Test everything, hold tight to what is good – and HE is the only source of good.

Our Friday Blessing:

May YHWH bless you and keep you;

YHWH make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you;

YHWH lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.

Numbers 6:22-27

And May YHWH Bless the reading of His word! 

Leave your rabbit trails and greetings on the group discussion thread and know that I thank the Father each time I think of you! See ya Sunday! 

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Today’s link: Crock Pot Lasagna
Catch up on all of our Genesis Posts here
Fellowship Members: Visit the group for our daily discussion thread,   Click here to visit our prayer request thread

*These are my bible notes which I post each day in my Front Porch Fellowship on Facebook. In that group, we also have in depth discussions on each day’s readings. I am posting them here on a trial basis and will determine at some point, at my discretion, whether or not this is fruitful. In the interest of time needed to devote to the Front Porch Fellowship, my family, homeschooling, and my work on SouthernPlate, Bible posts here do not have comments turned on. If you wish to take part in a discussion or ask questions, please join my Front Porch Fellowship next time membership opens up. It only opens once per year and the next window will be late summer of 2020. Thank you! 


Genesis 8-11 Deep Diving Bible Study by Gordon Ramsay

Genesis 8-11 Deep Diving Bible Study

The Bible begins in the beginning, and so should we. If you’re new here, please read the previous chapter’s notes before this one. Click here. 

If you would like a printable copy of this month’s daily Bible readings, click here. 


Today we’re gonna learn some NEAT things and you’re going to feel so smart! 

Would you like to read my statement of faith? Click here

Today’s readings are: Genesis 8-11.


Let us start our day with shalom in the Word!

But what is shalom? Isn’t that Jewish? 

I’m glad you asked! Shalom is a Hebrew word. Jewish is a people, Hebrew is a language. Now the Jewish people are our brethren, who are under many wonderful covenants with the Father which we will learn about as we read this year. We will learn about the covenants that include us as well, beginning today! The books we are reading now were originally written in Hebrew and from time to time you might see a Hebrew word thrown around in the group. You see, Hebrew is a far more nuanced and intricate language than many of the languages it has been translated to and as a result, sometimes in our reading we might find that the Hebrew counterpart to an English word just tends to go deeper for us. Shalom is the perfect example of this. Most folks know that Shalom means peace but it is actually more than that. Shalom is a wholeness of peace that can only come from the Father. This is the peace I wish each of us to have and that I pray multiplies as we continue in His Word! 

I am trying to condense my rabbit trails or keep them to just a few points rather than covering everything for the sake of brevity (and because most folks can’t read Christy’s ramblings all day). Somedays I will be better at that than others. Today I’m about middle of the road.

🌿QUESTION WE ARE GONNA ANSWER TODAY: How long was the earth covered in water and how long were Noah and his family in the ark?

For most of us, our immediate response would be forty days and forty nights. That is just part of the story that we have inherited.

But just as we may have once believed only two of each animal went onto the ark (yesterday’s readings dispelled that myth), this is a great example of us needing firsthand knowledge of the Bible. It is important to note that inherited religion is not a substitute for a direct relationship with the Lord or with His Word and when we see these gaps in our faith (what we believe to be true vs what the Bible actually says) it should cause us to sit up straighter, awaken from our spiritual apathy, and take on the responsibility we have to do our own homework.

So let us look at what the Bible says.

First of all, has it ever occurred to you that you are a descendant of Noah? Just keep in mind while reading this that you are, in fact, reading your family history – in more ways that one. 

So let’s see how long our grandpappy was stuck inside that boat! 👴

💧Genesis 7:7 – Noah and his family go into the ark seven days before the flooding begins (Genesis 7:10)

💧In Genesis 8:11 we are told that in the second month on the seventeenth day the fountains of the great deep burst forth and the Heavens opened. Note that it wasn’t just rain that caused this great flood, but the bursting forth of water sources within the depths of the earth as well.

💧Genesis 8:4 The ark came to rest on the top of a range of mountains known as Ararat (this refers to an entire range, not just a single mountain) on the seventeenth day of the seventh month (five months after it began). 

💧The waters at this point were still covering most of the land because in genesis 8:5 it says that on the first day of the tenth month the tops of the mountains were seen

We are now at 8 months after the flood began.

💧Genesis 8:13 On the first day of the first month the waters were dried from the earth and Noah removed the cover from the ark. Since we began this journey on the tenth day of the second month, we are almost at one full year.

💧Genesis 8:14 – WE HAVE TOUCH DOWN! On the twenty seventh day of the second month, a year and twenty days after Noah and his family entered the ark, YHWH gave them orders to exit the ark and return to land.

RECAP: Noah and his family enter the ark: Second month, tenth day

Noah and his family exit the ark: Second month, twenty seventh day of following year.

In summary, while popular belief is 40 days and 40 nights, the truth is that Noah and his family were in the ark a little over a year and the waters covered the earth a little less than that. 

🌿Neat things to look for:

  • Who shut the door of the ark? 7:16
  • How long did rain fall upon the earth? 7:12
  • How long did the water “prevail over the earth” before it began to recede? Genesis 7:24
  • How much longer after that did it take for the waters to fully recede? Genesis 8:3

Noah is considered to be righteous and yet in Genesis 9 we see him getting drunk and passing out unclothed – how can this be righteous behavior? You’ll notice many times in the Bible that we see YHWH’s chosen people behaving in ways that are not Godly and yet they are still counted as His chosen ones. It is important to note that the patriarchs of our faith are not whitewashed in Biblical text. They are shown as fallible, sinning people who fall short. In showing the reality of their character we see that man is never made righteous by our own efforts but through relationship with YHWH – Grace in action. Righteousness cannot be achieved apart from Him. However, that has never been license to live according to our wisdom rather than the Father’s.

🌿Note: the months of the Hebrew lunar calendar do not line up with our Gregorian calendar. The length and time of a year and month are roughly the same, but their months and beginnings of years are different. Jan 1 is not the new year on the Hebrew calendar. This is not significant to this story but just something I wanted to point out.

🌿 The covenant of the rainbow (Genesis 9) – This covenant is unilateral and for all living creatures. Unilateral means that it requires nothing on our part in exchange for YHWH’s promise and action on His part.

🌿Can you imagine the fear folks must have naturally felt, so close to when the flood happened, every time it came a downpour? Add to that the comfort of seeing a rainbow at the end of that rain. Talk about a sigh of relief! Regardless of the time that has passed, do not take seeing a rainbow lightly. YHWH’s covenant still stands – He is a covenant keeper! We will be learning a great deal about covenants – and which ones we are part of, as we go through YHWH’s Word.

🌿About the tower of Babel (Genesis 11:4): YHWH had commanded people to disperse and populate the earth but here we have people working together to accomplish their own will instead. Their desire to reach the heavens and elevate themselves to the level of YHWH demonstrates their haughty disobedience. 

😲Ruh-Roh, I feel a preaching coming on. Feel free to exit the boat and get to your reading or buckle up and hang on!

It shocks me, so close to the flood event, that man was so quick to turn away from YHWH and attempt to assert their own will and dominance, but we are far more guilty of this today.

We turn from His ways, even believing when our world tells us that YHWH’s very Words, spoken in His own voice, are obsolete, and aside from the world, a vast part of the church says that portions of YHWH’s Word are not even relevant. We rely on our own wisdom instead of seeking His and sometimes go so far as to declare our own wisdom to be representative of His even though it stands in direct contradiction to His word.

But the fact of the matter is, You can’t recognize a counterfeit if you don’t know the original. 

So many of these problems would be solved if we just knew the Word of YHWH firsthand. He gave it to us so that we can read it, know it, know Him, and walk in His ways – which are sometimes beyond our understanding but ALWAYS superior to our own.

And that is why it is SO EXCITING to stand on this ground with you, to be here, searching His word, reading it with fresh eyes and minds searching for the truth told to us in His voice.

So have you felt defeated lately? Have you felt tired, worn out, beaten down, dried up, and weary of this world?

Hang onto your hats. Because the waters of life are about to burst forth in your life. 

Stay in the Word. Keep showing up each day. He is welcoming each of us home with open arms.

Class has begun, we have the greatest teacher of all eternity, and we all get to be teacher’s pets.

Test everything, hold tight to what is good – and HE is the only source of good.

May YHWH bless the reading of His Word! 

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Today’s link: Southern Steak and Milk Gravy 

Catch up on all of our Genesis Posts here
Fellowship Members: Click here for Daily Discussion Thread,  Click here to visit our prayer request thread

*These are my bible notes which I post each day in my Front Porch Fellowship on Facebook. In that group, we also have in depth discussions on each day’s readings. I am posting them here on a trial basis and will determine at some point, at my discretion, whether or not this is fruitful. In the interest of time needed to devote to the Front Porch Fellowship, my family, homeschooling, and my work on SouthernPlate, Bible posts here do not have comments turned on. If you wish to take part in a discussion or ask questions, please join my Front Porch Fellowship next time membership opens up. It only opens once per year and the next window will be late summer of 2020. Thank you! 


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