Tag: corn flour

what it is for, benefits and in which foods to find it – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Omega 3 benefits

The Omega 3 fatty acids have captured attention for their numerous health benefits. But what are they and why are they important for well-being?

These fatty acids offer numerous benefits for health and are found in many foods, i.e. foods rich in saturated fats.

What are Omega 3?

The aOmega 3 fatty acids they are a type of polyunsaturated fat essential for our body.

“Essential” means that our body cannot produce them independently and therefore we must obtain them through our diet.

The three main types are alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

The Omega 3 they provide energy, improve the tone of the walls of blood vessels, keep cholesterol levels under control and help counteract cellular degeneration. They are also easy to digest because they are held together by very strong molecular bonds.

Omega 3: benefits for the body

Omega 3 benefits

THE benefits of Omega 3 there are many, considering that these fatty acids are fundamental for the performance of numerous bodily functions. The contribution of Omega 3 what is it for??

  1. Heart health: They are known to reduce the risk of heart disease. They can lower blood triglyceride levels, reduce blood pressure and prevent clots from forming.
  2. Brain benefits: These fatty acids are important constituents of cell membranes in the brain and can improve memory, concentration and cognitive function.
  3. Joint support: The Omega 3 have demonstrated the ability to reduce inflammation and pain associated with joint disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis.
  4. Eye health: They can help prevent macular degeneration.
  5. Mental well-being: Some research suggests that Omega 3 can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Omega 3: foods rich in fatty acids

Omega 3 foods

As already mentioned, there are several sources of these fatty acids that can be easily integrated into the diet. Here they are foods rich in Omega 3:

  • Fatty fish: Salmon, sardine, mackerel, herring, swordfish and tuna are rich in EPA and DHA.
  • Flax seed: Whether whole, ground, or processed into oil, flaxseeds are a rich source of ALA, which can be converted to EPA and DHA in the body.
  • Nuts: Walnuts (walnuts and macadamia nuts) contain ALA and also provide fiber and antioxidants.
  • Hemp seed and chia seed oil: Both are rich in ALA and can be used to dress salads or add to smoothies.
  • Seaweed: Seaweed is a direct source of EPA and DHA and can be an ideal choice for vegetarians and vegans.

How to fill up on Omega 3 fatty acids

The advice is to follow a diet that contains a good quantity of these fatty acids. In addition to filling up on Omega 3you avoid hiring a supplement supplementary. So let’s see how to structure a typical menu:

Day 1

  • Breakfast: a cup of tea and three biscuits
  • Snack: a smoothie
  • Lunch: brown rice with fresh tomato, omelette and mixed salad
  • Snack: a pear and two walnuts
  • Dinner: boiled beets, skewers with vegetables and meat, 2 slices of wholemeal bread

Day 2

  • Breakfast: a cup of tea and dry biscuits
  • Snack: a pear and two walnuts
  • Lunch: wholemeal pasta with vegetables, natural mackerel and boiled green beans
  • Snack: a low-fat yogurt
  • Dinner: potatoes with salmon steaks, salad and wholemeal bread

Day 3

  • Breakfast: milk and rusks
  • Snack: three apricots
  • Lunch: wholemeal pasta with anchovies and boiled green beans
  • Snack: a pear and two walnuts
  • Dinner: boiled beans, grilled aubergines, tuna

Day 4

  • Breakfast: a cup of tea and some dry biscuits
  • Snack: a pear and two walnuts
  • Lunch: spaghetti seasoned with cherry tomatoes and tuna, stracchino and boiled spinach
  • Snack: a low-fat yogurt
  • Dinner: green beans, cow’s ricotta, roasted peppers, swordfish and slices of wholemeal bread

Omega 3 fatty acids: are there any contraindications?

Omega 3 contraindications

The consumption of foods rich in Omega 3 fatty acids It does not entail any side effects or particular contraindications. Things change when we talk about a Omega 3 supplement.

Below are some considerations to keep in mind regarding contraindications and potential side effects:

  1. Drug interactions: These fatty acids may interact with some medications, such as anticoagulants and antiplatelet drugs, increasing the risk of bleeding.
  2. Risk of allergic reactions: People with allergies to fish or seafood should avoid consuming fish oil supplements and look for alternative sources, such as marine algae oil.
  3. Risk of bleeding: In high doses, the Omega 3 they may have an anticoagulant and antiplatelet effect, increasing the risk of bleeding, especially in individuals with bleeding disorders or undergoing surgery.
  4. Effects on blood clotting: They can affect blood clotting, so people who suffer from blood clots or who take clotting medications should consult a doctor before taking supplements.

What to eat if you suffer from Helicobacter – Gordon Ramsay’s version

What to eat if you suffer from Helicobacter

L’Helicobacter pylori it is the bacterium most responsible for chronic gastritis. What to eat if you suffer from Helicobacter?

What to eat if you suffer from Helicobacter

Very often different stomach diseases as chronic gastritisnon-ulcer dyspepsia, peptic ulcer and stomach cancer, may be linked to the onset of Helicobacter pylori.

What is Helicobacter pylori?

L’Helicobacter pylori it’s a bacterium GRAM-negative, approximately 2.5-5 μm long, capable of colonizing the stomach mucosa, creating an infection that creates violent inflammation that can lead to the creation of serious pathologies.

To fight the gastritis you need to know the foods yes And the foods no and follow a diet capable of reducing all those foods that can worsen and exasperate the symptoms, for example fatty foods, caffeine, alcohol, we also find other factors that can worsen gastritis, i.e. stress.

According to some recent statistics, as many as 12 million Italians suffer from gastritis and over a million of these are carriers of ulcers without even knowing it.

In recent years, however, researchers have been able to demonstrate that the cause of gastritis and ulcers, in over 90% of cases, is the infection caused by Helicobacter pylori. This bacterium causes type B gastritis, which is also called chronic gastritis.

L’Helicobacter pyloriwhich is found throughout the world, is present in almost all subjects suffering from ulcers and in 60% of subjects suffering from dyspepsia and digestive disorders of various types, it is transmitted through direct contact.

Helicobacter pylori, how is it caught?

Helicobacter pylori how to get it

How do you get the Helicobacter pylori bacterium? Is it contagious and there are various routes of transmission of the bacterium.

Let’s start by saying that it can be transmitted through direct contact with saliva, such as kissing. You can take theHelicobacter pylori also with i sexual relations.

The same also applies to sharing kitchen utensils or drinking from shared glasses as they can facilitate the passage of the microorganism from one individual to another.

Contact with the feces of an infected person can also lead to transmission of the bacterium. This can occur through poor hygiene practices or handling contaminated food or water.

Another important transmission route is represented by contaminated water. In places with poor hygienic conditions, contaminated water can act as a vehicle for the spread of the bacterium. Consuming non-heat-treated foods or drinks from polluted sources can increase the risk of contracting the bacterium.

It should be emphasized that not everyone who is colonized by the bacterium develops symptoms or illnesses. The body’s response to infection can vary greatly from person to person. However, Helicobacter pylori it is known to be involved in the pathogenesis of some gastric diseases, such as gastritis and peptic ulcers. Additionally, it has been associated with an increased risk of developing stomach cancer.

Helicobacter pylori: Symptoms

Before knowing what diet you need to follow to improve the symptoms, what foods to avoid and what foods are allowed, it is necessary to understand what are the symptoms of Helicobacter pylori:

  • Stomach ache: between what causes Helicobacter pylori there is a continuous and widespread stomach ache that is relieved only by eating.
  • Nausea: It is very mild and lasts all day.
  • Burning: Stomach pain gets worse only by drinking a glass of water.
  • Difficult digestion: the feeling of fullness is felt after a large meal.
  • Vomiting: occurs on an empty stomach and on a full stomach.
  • Swollen belly: digestion is difficult and too much air is created in the intestine.
  • Feeling of emptiness in the stomach: you feel a feeling of emptiness in the stomach.
  • Sour taste in the mouth: happens half an hour or an hour after meals.
  • Palpitations: Heart beats fast after eating.
  • Stinging on an empty stomach: painful, they only go away when you eat something.

Helicobacter pylori bacterium, tests for diagnosis

Diagnosis involves several tests aimed at identifying the presence of the bacterium in the stomach.

Among the tests for Helicobacter pylori is the test of urea breath test (Urea Breath Test). This test involves ingesting a small amount of urea labeled with carbon-13 or carbon-14. If the bacterium is present in the stomach, the urea will be broken down into ammonia and carbon dioxide, releasing the labeled carbon into the breath. Detection of this carbon in the breath confirms the presence of the bacterium.

The choice of test depends on the specific clinical situation and the availability of diagnostic resources.

Helicobacter pylori: what to eat and what not to eat

eggs and Helicobacter pylori

From Helicobacter pylori it heals and one of the main cures is sfollow a healthy and balanced diet.

First of all, it is advisable to eat small meals which must be spaced out correctly throughout the day and always taken at the same time, without skipping them, delaying them or bringing them forward excessively. This first rule is one of the main ones for saving your stomach and feeling better.

Another fundamental rule is to chew very slowly and carefully, all of which favors the digestive process and helps reduce the production of some acids which could be particularly harmful to the mucous membranes.

Finally, always remember to eat meals in situations of total tranquility, in fact the meal must be a particularly pleasant and relaxing moment for you, so don’t eat in a hurry and try to relax.

What to eat if you suffer from Helicobacter pylori

In case of gastritis from Helicobacter pylori what to eat for breakfastlunch and dinner?

We therefore advise you to consume milk, especially partially skimmed, but also yogurt, white meats, lean fish, low-fat cheeses, extra virgin olive oil. All fruit juices are also permitted except those that are very acidic.

You can also consume cooked vegetables, artichokes, cabbage, nettles, potatoes and bananas, all excellent foods for relaxing the stomach and helping improve digestion. In these cases, almost all fruit such as lemons, mandarins, oranges, citron, pineapple, currants, pomegranate and dried fruit are also excellent.

Helicobacter Pylori: broccoli and wasabi two formidable foods

The medical literature is full of interesting studies that allow us to discover new properties of foods. THE broccoli and the wasabifor example, are not only antibacterial, but are useful for fightingHelicobacter pylori. Both have a modest amount of isothiocyanates, i.e. sulfur compounds that act as anticancer, cardioprotective and antioxidants.

In a recent study the inhibitory action of sulforaphane and isothiocyanates in contact with urease ofHelicobacter pylori. The enzyme synthesizes ammonia which neutralizes the effect of gastric acids and is essential for its survival; unfortunately ammonia irritates the stomach mucosa causing gastritis to appear. Helicobacter Pylori colonizes the acidic environment of the stomach very easily and is one of the causes of the development of peptic ulcers. According to the study, the isothiocyanates which broccoli and wasabi are rich in exert a strong anti-urease action.

What foods should you avoid?

Instead, try to avoid fatty meats and fish, or all fatty cheeses such as gorgonzola and pecorino and overly seasoned and elaborate dishes.

Also say no to foods rich in flavonoids, such as apples, blueberries, garlic and onion, which create ideal conditions for the growth and development ofHelicobacter pylori inside the stomach.

More generally, avoid overeating, chew slowly and always choose very simple and lightly seasoned, light and healthy dishes.

Helicobacter pylori diet menu

gastritis what to eat for breakfast

What to eat if you suffer from Helicobacter pylori? What should be the menu for those suffering from this pathology?

As we have already seen if you suffer from gastritis caused by Helicobacter pylori you should follow a balanced diet preferring lean and low-fat foods.

The typical menu of the diet against gastritis consists of a breakfast characterized by a glass of partially skimmed milk, accompanied with bread on which low-fat cheese must be spread. In case of Helicobacter pylori should be avoided coffee!

For a mid-morning snack we recommend consuming a pear or an apple which can also be cooked.

For lunch, however, you should consume a vegetable soup or a minestrone accompanied with slices of beef and finally a banana.

For a snack you can eat a slice of toast with honey spread on it.

For dinner, however, eat cooked vegetables accompanied with defatted cooked ham and a portion of low-fat cheese, and finally eat a peach for dessert. Alternatively you can consume peas with pan-fried ham cubes and Roman-style gnocchi, or cream of mushrooms served with steamed white fish is also excellent.

Prevent Helicobacter pylori

To prevent the appearance of‘Helicobacter pylori or alleviate its symptoms it is necessary to change and improve your lifestyle and above all daily nutrition by learning to eat healthy. The rules to follow are:

  • A correct diet, free from foods that can irritate the gastric mucosa
  • Avoid smoking to prevent the‘Helicobacter pylori comes to transform into stomach cancer
  • Chew slowly it’s a good habit. In fact, it has been demonstrated by many studies that chewing foods slowly helps greatly facilitate digestion. A good chew can make digestion easier and reduce residence times of food in the stomach.
  • Play sport for a period of five times a week for thirty minutes, this is an excellent habit to keep your body healthy and promote intestinal functions by making them regular. Regular physical activity can keep our body healthy and efficient.
  • Eat small, frequent meals. Eating very small but frequent meals throughout the day helps keep your metabolic activity levels very good. All you need to do is eat at least five meals a day.
  • Drinking lots of water is essential take the right amount of liquids and mineral salts to achieve the right level of hydration for our body. It is important to drink at least six glasses of water a day. It is also important to know that there are numerous other foods that are highly rich in water and mineral salts such as fruit and vegetables. Drinking water also helps our intestines to stay alive, active and healthy and to provide maximum benefits the elimination of harmful waste. In fact, liquids and saliva have the function of protecting the esophageal mucous membranes, for example For this reason, give the green light to the intake of liquids and mineral salts.

Helicobacter pylori: what is the cure?

the original recipe (with printable lily!) – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Florentine Schiacciata original recipe - Recipe by Tavolartegusto

There Florentine Schiacciata it’s a typical dessert of the Carnival from the city ​​of Florence . It’s about a Cake from the rectangular shapeof the thickness of 3cm, fluffy And orange scented. Whose particularity is that, once baked, it comes decorated with powdered sugar And cocoa with one Lily-shaped stencil, symbol of Florence; which gives the traditional look of the real Florentine Schiacciata! From do not confuse with the Schiacciata with oil, Tuscan savory focaccia!

Florentine Schiacciata original recipe - Recipe by Tavolartegusto

A unique goodness That was born around 1800 with the name of ‘Schiacciata delle Murate’; because it was prepared by nuns of the Murate convent in via Ghibellina a Florence. Next, to this simple version have been added different variationsincluding the Florentine Schiacciata filled of Chantilly Cream or cream. If you want prepare it at homehere is the best one for you Original recipe from the Florentine Schiacciata taken from the Tuscan regional pastry manual. Enriched with many Advice illustrated with step by step photos from the Florentine grandmother of a friend of mine. Not only! In the process you find too stencils of the Lily of Florence ; that you can download, print And cut out to decorate and obtain a Florentine-style flatbread perfect own like the pastry shop! It is a easy dessert which it does not entail no difficulty and believe me too very fast. Once all the ingredients have been whisked together, all you have to do is pour them in rectangular mold and bake in the oven and wait for the cooling before decoration. This year together with Chiacchiere (or rather Chickpeas Tuscan style!) and Castagnole; try preparing the Florentine Schiacciata too! Gorgeous and chicI’m sure that will provide added value to yours Carnival table for dessert or as a snack.

Discover also:

Schiacciata with grapes (typical sweet focaccia of Tuscan cuisine)

Florentine Schiacciata recipe


Preparation Cooking Total
30 minutes + cooling 25 minutes 55 minutes

Cost Kitchen Calories
Bass Italian 310 Kcal


Quantity for 8 people – 1 baking tray 20 x 26 cm

  • 200 g of 00 flour
  • 160 g of sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 60 g of milk
  • 30 g of sunflower seed oil
  • finely grated peel of one orange + filtered juice
  • 1 sachet of baking powder (16 g)
  • vanilla (1 berry or seeds from a pod or 1 sachet)
  • a pinch of salt
  • icing sugar for garnish
  • 2 tablespoons of bitter cocoa powder for garnish


How to make Florentine Schiacciata

First of all, whip the eggs with the sugar, vanilla and orange peel with an electric whisk for 2 minutes, until the mixture becomes frothy and very light.

Then slowly add, always whipping with an electric whisk: the milk, the oil and the filtered orange juice.

Finally add the flour, milk, oil, orange juice and perfectly sifted yeast.

the dough must be smooth and free of lumps:

Florentine Schiacciata dough - Recipe by Tavolartegusto

Finally, pour the imapsto into a buttered or oiled and perfectly floured baking pan

baking tray for Florentine flatbread - Recipe by Tavolartegusto

Then cook your Florentine Schiacciata in a very hot static oven at 180 for about 20 – 25 minutes. If you are using a fan oven, set it to 160 and always cook for 20 – 25 minutes.

Warning: always do the toothpick test. it should not be burnt, but golden and soft.

Remove from the oven and turn out onto a wire rack. Let cool completely.

How to decorate Florentine Schiacciata

First of all, download it printable lily stencil in the link below:

Lily of Florence to decorate the Schiacciata fiorentina

Then print the lily and cut out the inside of the black shape so as to find a real stencil:

decorate the Florentine Schiacciata - Recipe by Tavolartegusto

Then sprinkle with icing sugar and sift it well.

Finally place the lily stencil on the cake, sprinkle with perfectly sifted cocoa without exaggerating with the quantities.

Finally, lift the stencil very delicately so as not to deform the decoration.

And here’s yours ready Florentine Schiacciata

Florentine flatbread - Recipe by Tavolartegusto

A soft and fragrant Florentine Schiacciata!

Florentine flatbread recipe - Recipe by Tavolartegusto


It keeps perfectly for 3 days if well sealed in film.

My advice is to seal it in cling film as soon as it has cooled without decoration and decorate it when serving.

Once decorated, leave it at room temperature, covered with a cake dome.

Also discover all the other Carnival sweets

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