Tag: baked

Sicilian timbale with aubergines by Benedetta Rossi, the perfect baked pasta for spring and the sea – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Eggplant timbale


Eggplant timbale

The timbale of Sicilian anelletti with aubergines it is a very tasty recipe that will win you over at the first bite. What makes everything much more delicious is the particular shape of pasta, very widespread on the island, especially in the Palermo area. Sicilian families often cook them in the summer to take them to the seaside, where they enjoy them under the umbrella. One beach snack not light at all. Obviously, as with many Sicilian recipes, each family has its own personal version. Today we will see that of Benedetta Rossiwho cooked them in the form of a timbale, to make the dish also beautiful to look at.

Timbale of Sicilian anelletti with aubergines

Ingredients x 4

  • rings 400 g
  • tomato sauce 500 g
  • aubergines 3
  • mozzarella 300 g
  • grain 50 g
  • mortadella 100 g
  • bechamel 200 g


The first thing to do to prepare the timbale of Sicilian anelletti with aubergines is to cut the aubergines into slices and fry them in plenty of peanut oil. Drain them on absorbent paper and set aside. Prepare in the pan tomato sauce, with garlic and extra virgin olive oil. Let it reduce well, flavor it with basil and set aside. Boil the anelletti in abundant boiling salted water and drain them 4 minutes earlier of the time indicated on the package. Season it with the sauce, keeping a little aside, and proceed to compose the timbale. Line the circular baking tray with the fried aubergine slices.

Arrange the slices vertically along the edges, making them get out of the pan and overlapping them slightly on top of each other so as not to leave spaces. Line the bottom of the pan with the remaining slices. The base of the timbale is ready. Pour half of the rings inside. Continue with the other ingredients: mortadella, then chopped mozzarella, if you like béchamel, grated cheese and tomato sauce. Cover with the other half of rings and compacted well with a spoon. Fold over the aubergines that stick out of the pan and cover the surface with the remaining slices. Cook in a static oven 180 degrees for 35 minutes. Let cool before serving. Yours timbale it’s ready.


Baked arancini (lighter, equally delicious!) – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Baked arancini - Recipe by Tavolartegusto


The Baked arancini I’m a light variant perfect for those who don’t want to fry of the classic Sicilian Arancini! They are made with the same typical reciperice stuffed with ragù with peas and caciocavallo in the center. They round out in your hands, then they are breaded to perfection, but in this case we cook them Baked rice balls for a result lighter but believe me equally delicious! Imagine them crispy on the outsidesuper tasty stringy!

Baked arancini - Recipe by Tavolartegusto

By now you know, often I enjoy revisiting the great classics in a lighter key; It was like this with the baked Mozzarella in carrozza, or with the baked cutlets, and I must say I satisfied everyone a little! This time I thought of transforming it into a light key Sicilian street food par excellence! I’m honest, I was a little skeptical, mainly I was afraid they wouldn’t keep their shape instead, thanks to the trick of cooling them in the fridge, they turned out baked arancini perfect! in taste, texture and even appearance! So much so that I even prepared them with leftover rice , and believe me they turned out even better because the mixture was more compact. Excellent hot freshly baked not only like appetizersbut also how first course, they are nice and substantial and are delicious even the next day. Simply heat them up a little to make the heart go stringy again.

Baked arancini recipe


Preparation Cooking Total
30 minutes 1 hour 1 hour and 30 minutes

Cost Kitchen Calories
Bass Italian 453 Kcal


Quantity for 10 pieces


How to make baked rice balls

First of all, boil the rice in plenty of water and salt, drain al dente and stir in the pan with butter and saffron. Then transfer to a baking tray to cool and compact well.

Then dedicate yourself to the ragù by chopping onion, celery and carrot, fry in oil, then add the minced meat and brown for 1 minute, then add the wine and let it evaporate.

Finally add the puree, bay leaf, cloves and cook for about 50 minutes. at the end of cooking it should be dense and creamy, add the peas and cook for another 10 – 15 minutes without crushing them.

Then remove the bay leaves and cloves, let them cool well and add the grated caciocavallo cheese and a pinch of salt. Leave aside to cool.

Rice and filling must be perfectly cold.

Formation of baked arancini

Take a handful of rice and round the shell with one hand, hollow out with the other, so as to have a concave for the filling:

how to make baked rice balls - Recipe by Tavolartegusto

Then add 2 teaspoons of ragu with peas and a piece of caciocavallo, then a teaspoon of rice on top and round with your hands. If you want to create the conical shape, follow the original version

At this point the trick for cooking arancini in the oven

Once you have made all the balls, place them in the fridge for 30 minutes so that they harden even better, this step will ensure that they do not open during cooking!

Finally when you prepare the breading. add flour and water to a bowl to form a batter. First pass them in this batter then dip them in the breadcrumbs, round them very well between your hands so that they will be very compact.

Then place on a baking tray previously lined with baking paper with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil

arancini ready for cooking in the oven - Recipe by Tavolartegusto

Finally, cook in a very hot static oven at 180° in the middle part for about 25 minutes. Check halfway through cooking, turn them over and continue, if necessary add a few drops of oil.

Here are yours ready Baked arancini

baked arancini recipe - Recipe by Tavolartegusto


You can store them raw in the fridge ready to cook for 2 days or you can freeze them directly raw. If you have already cooked them, they will keep for the next day very well.

Also discover my entire collection of starters


Baked cutlets (Quick and delicious recipe!) – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Baked cutlets recipe - Recipe by Tavolartegusto


The Baked cutlets I’m a second dish light and delicious, perfect for those who don’t want to frywithout giving up crispy breaded slice on the outside And soft inside, with a delicious flavor and that it doesn’t choke ! believe me it’s amazing, not just for those on a diet! It won’t make you regret it absolutely the much loved Milanese cutlet.

Baked cutlets recipe - Recipe by Tavolartegusto

After various experiments and failed attempts, I developed this one quick recipe absolutely perfect to prepare a baked cutlet truly exquisite. The secret? There double breading bread crumbs + corn flakes that remains crispy and golden, it doesn’t come off and above all it creates a shell that does not dry out the internal flesh. In this case I created some Baked chicken cutlets but you can also choose slices of pig, veal or beef; Attention cooking times change depending on the thickness. In the procedure you will find all the information. Excellent hot freshly made, accompany them with a side dish of baked potatoes; or to put in the fabulous and very soft Hamburger Sandwiches together with fresh salad and sauces, they will ask you to make them again and again! Let it bet?

Discover also:

Palermo style cutlet (baked in the oven, with breading enriched with herbs and cheese)

Baked cutlet recipe


Preparation Cooking Total
10 minutes 5 minutes 15 minutes

Cost Kitchen Calories
Bass Italian 233 Kcal


Quantity for 4 people

    • 4 slices of chicken
    • 2 tablespoons breadcrumbs
    • about 2 tablespoons of corn flakes
    • 2 eggs
    • salt
    • extra virgin olive oil


How to make cutlets in the oven

First of all, beat the slices so as to obtain an equal thickness.

The ideal thickness for chicken is 4 – 5 mm so not too thin. the same thing goes for pork.

for slices of beef and veal the thicknesses are usually 2 – 3 mm and in this case the cooking time should be halved.

Then dip the slice well in the egg, then dip it in the crumbled cornflakes and finally in the breadcrumbs very well

how to make baked cutlets - Recipe by Tavolartegusto

Be careful to bread very well on all sides so as not to have empty spaces and obtain a very compact and thick breading.

Finally, place the slices on a baking tray previously lined with baking paper and add a generous drizzle of extra virgin olive oil:

cook cutlets in the oven - Recipe by Tavolartegusto

Finally you can cook in a preheated static oven at 180° for 15 minutes on the medium-high side.

After 12 minutes check and turn to brown on all sides. and decide whether to leave 1 – 2 minutes more depending on the thickness

Then take out of the oven and serve piping hot!

Baked cutlet - Recipe by Tavolartegusto


My advice is to consume them hot immediately, if so, you can keep them the next day by heating them in the microwave

Also discover my collection of second course recipes


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