Tag: cheese

Nutella Ice Cream Without Ice Cream Maker 3 Ingredients – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Nutella IceCream


Nutella IceCream

The Nutella ice cream without ice cream maker It’s a delicious dessert that can be prepared in 5 minutes and with just three ingredients. Whipping cream, condensed milk and Nutella (or other hazelnut spread).

From today you can prepare a delicious and creamy homemade Nutella ice cream in a few moves and with an amazing result. And without ice cream maker above all!

With only three ingredients – Nutella, whipped cream and condensed milk – you can create a creamy and irresistible ice cream in a few simple steps.

This fresh and sweet dessert is ideal for summer days or for a special snack, satisfying both adults and children with its unique and enveloping flavor.

Try it too because it’s worth it!

Making Nutella Ice Cream Without an Ice Cream Maker It’s child’s play and the result is guaranteed: a soft and velvety ice cream that will win everyone over at the first taste.

To prevent ice crystals from forming once placed in the freezer, there is an ingredient that has the specific function of preventing the ice cream from hardening and making it creamy.

This ingredient is the condensed milk. For those who don’t know about condensed milk, it is a sort of reduction of milk and sugar, a sweet and creamy mixture that is widely used in pastry making.

Let’s immediately see the recipe for this delicacy.

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Mutabal: Middle Eastern aubergine cream – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Mutabal: Middle Eastern aubergine cream


Find out how to prepare the traditional one aubergine mutabala great classic of Middle Eastern cuisine, often confused with another iconic recipe of this gastronomic culture: the babaganoush.

History and origins of Mutabal

Eggplant mutabal is a traditional dish of the Middle East, particularly Syrian and Lebanese cuisine. The word “mutabal” comes from Arabic and means “mixed” or “pounded”. This dish has ancient origins and is very popular in the Levantine regions, where it is served as an appetizer (meze) or outline. The simplicity of the ingredients and the preparation technique reflect the traditional culture of these regions.

Characteristics and ingredients

Mutabal is a cream obtained by mixing roasted aubergines, tahini (sesame seed paste), garlic, lemon juice and, in some regions, even plain Greek yogurt.

The aubergines, roasted until the skin is burnt and the pulp is soft, give the dish a characteristic smoky flavour.

There tahini* adds a nutty note, while lemon juice and garlic bring freshness and depth of flavor.

The possible addition of yogurt, such as Greek, gives the mutabal a creamier consistency and a slightly acidic flavour.

Mutabal and babaganoush: the differences

Although the aubergine mutabal and the babaganoush are often confused, there are fundamental differences between the two. Mutabal always includes tahini, which gives it a rich nutty note, while babaganoush may contain it in some versions, but it is not a mandatory ingredient.

Additionally, babaganoush is often enriched with tomatoes, onions, and various spices, resulting in a more rustic texture and complex flavor. Mutabal, on the other hand, maintains a simpler and more direct flavor profile, focusing on the eggplant and tahini.


Intermittent diet: menu to get back into shape – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Morning porridge: recipes to wake up with energy


Summer is approaching and with it the desire to get back into shape and feel your best. There intermittent diet presents itself as an effective option to achieve this goal, offering a flexible and sustainable approach to weight loss and improved health. But how to structure a weekly menu that it is balanced, tasty and suitable for the needs of those who love good food?


There intermittent diet it is based on alternating periods of fasting and eating, stimulating the metabolism and promoting the loss of body fat. Among its many benefits are reducing the risk of heart disease, improving insulin sensitivity, and promoting longevity. Furthermore, the intermittent diet It can be customized according to individual preferences, allowing it to be adapted to different lifestyles and dietary needs.


Breakfast represents a fundamental moment in the day of those who follow it intermittent diet. Opting for foods rich in protein and fiber, such as Greek yogurt with fresh fruit and chia seeds, can promote greater satiety and stabilize blood sugar levels. Alternatively, a breakfast of avocado toast with scrambled eggs and cherry tomatoes is a balanced and tasty option to start the day with energy.

Here are some ideas:

Lunch and dinner

During main meals, it is important to include a variety of nutritious foods to ensure an adequate intake of vitamins and minerals. A light and nutritious lunch could consist of a quinoa salad with grilled vegetables and grilled chicken, while for dinner you could opt for a baked salmon fillet with asparagus and sweet potatoes. In both cases, it is advisable to limit the intake of processed foods rich in added sugars, favoring fresh, high-quality ingredients.

Practical advice and suggestions

To make the transition to the intermittent diet, it is useful to plan meals in advance and prepare healthy and tasty foods to eat during the week. Furthermore, it is advisable to drink plenty of water and green tea to promote hydration and stimulate the metabolism. Integrating physical activity into your daily routine can help enhance the benefits of intermittent diet and help achieve health and well-being goals.

There intermittent diet offers an innovative and sustainable approach to weight loss and health improvement, allowing you to enjoy tasty and nutritious meals without sacrifices and deprivations. Follow a weekly menu balanced and varied can represent the key to getting back into shape and feeling at your best, keeping your love for good food and gastronomy alive.


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