Tag: mayonnaise

Spaghetti with garlic and oil Cetarese style, just one more ingredient is needed to make the magic. The best and fastest first ever – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Cetarian-style spaghetti with garlic and oil


Cetarian-style spaghetti with garlic and oil

The spaghetti with garlic and oil Cetarian style, they are a variation of the classic first course. In this preparation, the seasoning is enriched with ffresh anchovies, strictly from Cetara. A dish that brings all the aromas and flavors to the table of the Cetarian summer. Easy and quick to prepare, for cleaning the anchovies, obviously you can ask your trusted fishmonger, in order to shorten the preparation time even more.

Spaghetti with garlic and oil Cetarese style


  • 180 g of spaghetti
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 1 hot pepper
  • 8 fresh anchovy fillets
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • parsley
  • salt


To prepare spaghetti with garlic and oil Cetarian stylestart cleaning the anchovies, also eliminating the central bone, and rinse the resulting fillets with plenty of running water.



Finely chop the garlic, also cut the chilli pepper.



In a large pan, put a couple of generous turns of extra virgin olive oil, add garlic and chilli pepper, and sizzle on medium heat for a minute. Then turn off the heat and add anchovy fillets, roughly chopped and mixed gently, season with salt.



Strain the pasta directly into the pan,



sauté over high heat, add a little chopped parsley, plate, serve and enjoy hot.

Read also: Spaghetti San Giuannid, the recipe of the oldest Apulian trattoria for June 24th. Faster and better than garlic and oil


Nutrition: eat less and be less hungry – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Nutrition: eat less and be less hungry


Eat less and have less hungry are common goals for many of us, but it can often be difficult to resist the temptation to indulge in tasty foods. However, with some tricks and strategies, it is possible reduce appetite and control portions without having to give up the pleasure of food. Here are five tips to help you achieve this goal.

1. Eat slowly

One of the more effective ways to eat less and feel full for longer is to eat slowly. Chewing each bite carefully and savoring the flavors allows you to appreciate food more and feel satisfied with smaller quantities. It also takes about 20 minutes for your brain to realize that your stomach is full, so eating slowly gives you time to feel the fullness signal before overdoing it.

Practical advice: Put down the cutlery between bites, and try to focus on the food without distractions like the television or smartphone.

2. Choose foods with high nutrient density

Opting for nutrient-dense foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins, allows you to feel full longer without adding too many calories to your diet. These foods provide important nutrients to your body and help you control your appetite in a healthy and balanced way.

Practical advice: Include at least one serving of vegetables in each main meal to increase the fiber and nutrient content of your diet.

3. Drink water before meals

Drinking a glass of water before meals can help reduce the amount of food consumed. Water partially fills your stomach, making you feel less hungry and helping you eat more moderate portions. Additionally, maintaining adequate hydration is essential for the body to function properly.

Practical advice: Drink a glass of water 10-15 minutes before you start eating to help control your appetite and reduce your overall calorie intake.

4. Have small healthy snacks

Including small, healthy snacks between main meals can prevent excessive hunger that leads to overeating during meals. Choose snacks rich in protein and fiber, such as Greek yogurt, fresh fruit, nuts or carrots, to keep your blood sugar levels stable and feel full longer.

Practical advice: Prepare portions of healthy snacks in advance to keep on hand, so you can avoid reaching for less healthy options when hunger strikes.

5. Get enough sleep

Lack of sleep can negatively affect the levels of hormones that regulate appetite, increasing feelings of hunger and cravings for high-calorie foods. Getting enough sleep helps keep hunger hormones in balance, improving appetite control and making weight management easier.

Practical advice: Try to maintain a regular sleep routine, aiming to sleep between 7 and 9 hours per night to support general well-being and appetite management.


Pre-wedding diet: fit for the big day – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Pre-wedding diet: fit for the big day


Wedding is one of the most important days in a person’s life, a time when you want to look and feel your best. For many, this means get back in shape for the big day, and the pre-wedding diet becomes a primary objective. But how can we achieve this goal in a healthy and sustainable way? Let’s find out together how to get back into shape for the wedding without giving up the pleasure of good food.

The basis of the pre-wedding diet: healthy and balanced nutrition

The first rule to get back into shape for your wedding is to follow a healthy and balanced diet. This means favoring fresh and natural foods, rich in vitamins and antioxidants, and limiting the consumption of processed foods rich in sugars and saturated fats. Here are some practical tips for creating an effective pre-wedding diet:

1. Focus on fruits and vegetables: Including at least five servings of fruit and vegetables a day is essential to ensure an adequate intake of fibre, vitamins and minerals. Opt for seasonal fruits and colorful vegetables to maximize health benefits.

2. Lean Protein: Proteins are essential for building and maintaining muscle mass, which is essential for a toned and fit body. Choose lean protein sources such as fish, chicken, legumes and low-fat dairy products.

3. Complex Carbohydrates: Complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains, legumes and sweet potatoes, provide long-term energy and promote satiety. Avoid refined and overly processed carbohydrates.

4. Water: Maintaining adequate hydration is essential for overall well-being and to aid weight loss. Drink at least two liters of water a day and limit the consumption of sugary and alcoholic drinks.

5. Controlled portions: Even if you follow healthy food choices, it is important to pay attention to portion sizes to avoid excess calories. Use smaller plates and eat slowly to help you feel full.

The extras: how to indulge without compromising your diet

Maintaining a balance between a healthy, balanced diet and the occasional indulgence is key to avoiding guilt and maintaining motivation. Here are some tips for treating yourself to a few extras without compromising your pre-wedding diet:

1. Moderation: You don’t have to completely eliminate indulgent foods from your diet, but it’s important to consume them in moderation and mindfully. Indulging in a little indulgence occasionally can be a way to maintain balance.

2. Smart Choices: When you want to treat yourself a little extra, you can opt for lighter, healthier versions of your favorite dishes. For example, replace traditional ice cream with fruit ice cream or French fries with vegetable chips.

3. Physical activity: In addition to following a healthy diet, regular physical activity is key to getting into wedding shape. Find an activity you love, whether it’s yoga, running or dancing, and dedicate time to it every day to keep your body active and toned.

Here are some ideas:

The pre-wedding diet doesn’t have to be a privative and boring experience, but can be an opportunity to explore new recipes, ingredients and flavours. By following a healthy and balanced diet, allowing yourself some indulgences in moderation and practicing regular physical activity, it is possible to get back into shape for the big day without giving up the pleasure of good food.


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