The best summer snacks for kids – Gordon Ramsay’s version

The best summer snacks for kids


Summer is the perfect season forr enjoy light and fresh snacksespecially for children who love tasty snacks during hot days. Here is a list of the best summer snacks for children that will please the most demanding palates.

fresh fruit

Fresh fruit is always a winning choice for a healthy and tasty summer snack. Watermelon, melon, strawberries And blueberries are just a few of the options that kids will love. Cut the fruit into pieces or make colorful skewers to make them even more inviting.

Fruit Ice Cream

A healthier alternative to traditional ice cream is homemade fruit ice cream. Use fresh fruit as bananas, strawberries And mango to create a delicious and refreshing snack that kids will love.

Savoury Snacks

For kids who prefer salty snacks, there are plenty of light and tasty options to try during the summer. Popcorn flavored, whole wheat crackers with spreadable cheese and raw vegetables with hummus are just a few ideas to consider.

Vegetable Skewers

Prepare colorful skewers with vegetables such as cherry tomatoes, peppers And cucumbers for a fun and nutritious summer snack. You can accompany the skewers with a yogurt or cheese sauce to make them even tastier.

These summer snacks for kids are the perfect mix of taste and nutrition, perfect for satisfying those cravings during those hot summer days. Choose from sweet and savoury options to ensure your little ones can enjoy a healthy and delicious snack any time of the day.


Is spicy food good for you? Recipes, truths and myths – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Is spicy food good for you?  Recipes, truths and myths


When it comes to spicy food, opinions are often divided. Some love it for its bold, stimulating flavor, while others avoid it out of fear burn your tongue. But what is true in the saying that spicy food is good for you? In this article we’ll explore the truths and myths behind spicy food, providing recipes and tips for those looking to add a little spice to their diet.

The Benefits of Spicy Food

Spicy food contains a chemical compound called capsaicinresponsible for the sensation of heat that you feel when you eat chili peppers. This substance not only gives food its characteristic spicy flavor, but has also been shown to have several health benefits. Capsaicin is known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and analgesic properties, which may help reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.

Spicy recipes to try

For those who want to experiment with spicy food, here are some recipes to try:

Myths to dispel

Despite the many benefits of spicy food, there are also some myths that need to be debunked. One of the most common is that spicy food can cause gastric ulcers or damage the stomach. In fact, capsaicin can help protect the gastric mucosa and reduce the risk of ulcers, if consumed in moderation.

Spicy food can be a tasty and healthy addition to your diet, as long as you consume it in moderation. Experimenting with spicy recipes can not only add a little spice to your dishes, but it can also provide health benefits. So, don’t be afraid to spice up your cooking and enjoy the bold flavors that spicy food has to offer.


Perfect Spaghetti Allo Scarpariello with Eduardo De Filippo’s Three Secrets. What to Put in the Oil Before the Cherry Tomatoes – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Scarriello by Edoardo De Filippo 2


Scarriello by Edoardo De Filippo 2

Neapolitan Scarperiello pasta it is a first course which, with a few simple ingredients, manages to give great satisfaction to those who prepare it and those who taste it. It is not a common tomato pasta, but a recipe rich in history and flavourborn in Spanish Quarters of Naples, where the shoemakers, known as scarri, prepared it with the leftovers of the Sunday sauce and with the cheese received as gifts from customers. Today, this dish is a symbol of culinary tradition Neapolitan, capable of conquering the most demanding palates on every occasion.

Neapolitan Scarpariello Pasta

Ingredients x 4

  • 320 g of paccheri or spaghetti
  • 400 g of fresh or peeled cherry tomatoes
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • Grated cheese (parmesan and/or pecorino)
  • Extra virgin olive oil
  • Salt to taste
  • Fresh basil


Start preparing Neapolitan pasta with scarpariello by placing a large pot with plenty of salted water for the pasta on the stove. Meanwhile, in a large pan, fry a clove of garlic in extra virgin olive oil. When the garlic is gold, add the cherry tomatoes cut in half (or the peeled ones) and season with salt. Let the sauce cook over a low heat for approximately 15 minutes, then remove the garlic. In the meantime, cook the pasta in boiling water, draining it very al dente. Transfer the pasta to the pan with the tomato sauce and sauté for a few minutes.

Add a generous handful of grated parmesan and pecorino and mix vigorously, blending the ingredients well until they form a comforting sauce. Serve hot, garnished with a few fresh basil leaves and a drizzle of raw extra virgin olive oil. Don’t forget to do the final shoe with bread to enjoy every drop of this delicious sauce, thus honoring the Neapolitan tradition that this dish represents. Your Scarperiello pasta is ready. Enjoy your meal!

READ ALSO—> Spaghetti degli Apostoli, the first course with peppers that tastes like the sea. The summer recipe with the sauce that is prepared while the pasta is cooking


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