Tag: tricks

Original recipe, tips and tricks step by step – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Homemade noodles

The Noodles I'm one format of fresh egg pasta typical of the cuisine ofEmilia Romagna. Made with a dough of flour and eggs, first spread thin then rolled up and finally "cut”Hence the name tagliatelle! From yellow color and the full-bodied consistency, once reduced into strips Are made air dry; then you tell in nests and subsequently cooked to taste! Making numerous succulent dishes from various toppings from the classic Ragù, to the delicious Tagliatelle with mushrooms! You want prepare them with your hands? Here is for you Homemade Tagliatelle Recipe with all Tricks And Advice illustrated step by step from the dough to cooking for a perfect result in a short time! Own like those of the grandmother!

Homemade noodles

Like any classic recipe, there are small regional variations. What I give you today is there Original recipe from the Noodles. It's about a easy preparation. L'dough is made in 5 minutes according to one proportion very simple, 1 egg for each 100 gr of flour. The base must turn out compact And not too soft otherwise it will be difficult to spread and cut! You can proceed by laying out with rolling pin and elbow grease at the traditional way ; or roll out the dough with the pasta machine! In the procedure you will find both methods! Once you have the sheets you can slice them and move on to the drying and cooking phase! Follow all the steps and you will get the Best noodles ever!

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Tagliatelle recipe


Preparation Cooking Total
40 minutes 5 minutes 45 minutes


Quantity for 2 people


How to make homemade Tagliatelle

First of all roll out the flour, add the eggs in the center:

how to make noodles

Then add the salt. Start by turning the eggs with a fork until they form a batter and gradually add the rest of the side flour.

Then proceed to knead by hand until all the liquids are absorbed:

dough noodles

Finally seal in a film and let it rest for 30 minutes.

Then proceed with the drafting.

If you are proceeding by hand: divide the dough into 2 parts, sprinkle the work surface with flour and with a very long rolling pin, roll out firmly until you get a 1 – 2 mm thin sheet. Cut out 1 or more 15cm rectangles (long side)

If you are proceeding with the pasta machine: divide the dough into 4 and use 1 piece at a time to roll out, stretch in the machine with the flour first to thickness 3 then to thickness 2.

Obtained a thin, full-bodied, compact and non-sticking sheet, sprinkle with flour, roll it up on the shorter side, narrow but without pressing:

form the noodles

Finally cut your noodles to a size of 1/2 cm

formation of noodles

Once you have sliced ​​all the ones you can get out of your rectangle, untie the noodles and roll them out all in a group (they will be about 15 – 20)

Then line them up on a floured surface and sprinkle with 100's flour. Let them dry for about 15 – 20 minutes.

In the meantime, roll out other sheets and make other groups of noodles.

Finally, the time of the first drying, sprinkle a surface with durum wheat semolina.The first group of noodles will have taken on a more hardened but still soft aspect after resting, turn them in groups and roll them into nests.

Waiting for the right times to do this work for everyone.

Yours are ready Noodles!

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<p><noscript><img class=Before cooking, you can leave them in this way for a minimum of 30 minutes to a maximum of about 2 – 3 hours.

Finally, cook them directly in nests, shaking them from the excess semolina, in plenty of boiling water and salt. They are ready in minutes, when they rise to the surface.


Kitchen tricks for natural cleaning – Gordon Ramsay’s version


To remove wine residues from the bottom of used bottles, put egg shells and hot water inside them and shake vigorously (keeping the bottles closed with the cork or with your thumb). When all marks have disappeared, fill the bottles with water only and rinse them thoroughly.

Polish the Metals

Copper and brass can be cleaned by rubbing them with a vinegar-soaked cloth. To increase its effect, add some salt and lemon juice.

Potato carpets

If you have to clean particularly dirty carpets, scrub them with a new broom and grated raw potatoes. If, on the other hand, you are interested in reviving the colors, always grate potatoes, cover them with boiling water, leave them to soak for two hours and finally drain them. Dip a brush in the liquid and pass it on the carpet.


Yellow or dirty marks

I Frequent use of bleach risks yellowing the surface of the bathtubs.

To fix it, scrub the area with glycerin and then with a stain remover. If, on the other hand, it is gray, fill the tub with water and add a packet of denture cleaner. After one night, go with the glycerin.

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