Tag: Pan

Rice, cheese and pepper flan by Benedetta Rossi, everything is made in a pan, can be eaten anywhere and is also delicious cold – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Rice flan in a pan with cheese and pepper


Rice flan in a pan with cheese and pepper

The cacio e pepe rice flan, which I like to call “maxi supplì”, is a vegetarian savory pie ideal for the summer season. Easy to prepare, this dish does not require the use of the oven and guarantees a delicious result that will conquer everyone. Perfect both warm and fluffy how cold, it is also ideal for cutting into wedges and serving as an aperitif or at a party buffet. The crunchy exterior combines with a soft and creamy interior, making this flan a real delight. Today we will see the recipe for Benedetta Rossiwhich makes it even easier.

Rice, cheese and pepper flan


  • 350 g of risotto rice, cooked al dente
  • 1 egg
  • 200 ml of cooking cream
  • 40 g of grated pecorino
  • 40 g of grated cheese
  • Mozzarella to taste
  • Pepper to taste
  • Oil to taste
  • Breadcrumbs to taste


To start preparing the rice flan, cheese and pepper, place the cooked and cooled rice in a large bowl. Add the cooking cream and the egg, mixing well mix everything together. At this point, add the grated cheese and pecorino, mixing until you obtain a homogeneous mixture. Add pepper to taste, according to your tastes. Prepare a 24cm diameter pan, oiling it well and spreading some bread crumbs on the bottom to prevent the flan from sticking.

Pour half the rice into the pan, leveling it well and creating some high edges. Add the mozzarella cut into julienne strips and cover with the remaining rice, compacting well the whole. Oil the surface and add a little more breadcrumbs. Bring the pan to the stove and cook the flan over medium-low heat for approximately 10 minutes per side, turning it halfway through cooking to ensure even browning. Once cooked, let it cool before cutting it into wedges and serving it. Yours rice flan, cheese and pepper it’s ready. Enjoy your meal!

Read also: Courgette flan better than parmigiana. A very quick single dish, all raw, that melts in your mouth

Rice flan in a pan with cheese and pepper




Lyonnaise potatoes, the side dish for those who don’t feel like cooking, all raw in a pan with the lid on for 15 minutes and it’s done – Gordon Ramsay’s version




Lyonnaise potatoes they are the perfect side dish for beginners in the kitchen. In itself, you don’t need much to make potatoes good, which are delicious in all ways, when cooked and when seasoned. You can prepare them to accompany second courses of meat or fish, perhaps cooked grilled. Minimum effort and maximum yield, no one will ever have any complaints. They are called this way because the recipe originates from the city of Lyon in France. But today you can enjoy them everywhere in the nation of love and art. To accompany the tubers, onions, always present in French cuisine.

Lyonnaise potatoes


  • potatoes 1 kg
  • onions 400 g
  • butter 65 g
  • parsley 1 sprig
  • black pepper
  • salt


The first thing to do to prepare Lyonnaise potatoes is to peel the potatoes, rinse them under running water and cut them into approximately thick slices 0.5 centimeters. As you cut, transfer the slices to a bowl full of water so they don’t blacken. In a pan, melt the butter. Meanwhile, drain the potatoes and dry them with a cloth, then add them to the butter. Let them brown from both sides, it will take approx 6 minutes per side to make them golden. In the meantime, cut the onion into not too thin slices. When the potatoes are well coloured, add the onion.

Season with salt and pepper, cover with the lid and cook over medium-low heat 15 minutes. Don’t forget to stir occasionally. Once the time has passed, check the cooking by inserting a fork in potatoes, which must enter easily. Turn off the heat and completed distributing plenty of fresh parsley chopped with a knife. Finally, give a final grind of pepper and serve. Your Lyonnaise potatoes they are ready. Enjoy your meal.

READ ALSO—> Benedetta Rossi’s potato omelette, what to add to the eggs for a quick and delicious second course


Pan recipes: cooking courgettes expertly – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Pan recipes: cooking courgettes expertly


Courgettes are a versatile and loved ingredient in the kitchen, capable of enriching any dish with its delicate flavor and crunchy texture. Among the many preparation methods, pan recipes represent a quick and tasty way to cooking courgettes artfullykeeping their flavors and nutritional properties intact.

The choice

Before you start cooking courgettes in a pan, it is important to pay attention to their choice. Opt for fresh, firm courgettes, medium in size and with shiny skin. Avoid those that are too large, as they could be fibrous, and those that are too small, which could be less tasty.

Cutting and preparation

To prepare courgettes in a pan, it is essential to cut them evenly to ensure even cooking. You can opt for slices, cubes or julienne, depending on the recipe you want to make. Before proceeding with cooking, you can also opt for a brief passage in boiling salted water to make them more tender.

Perfect cooking in the pan

Once the courgettes are prepared, it’s time to move on to cooking them in the pan. Use a non-stick pan and heat a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. Add the courgettes and cook them over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally to prevent them from sticking. You can add herbs such as garlic, parsley or chilli to enrich the flavour.

Shades of taste

To make pan-fried courgettes even tastier, you can add ingredients such as fresh tomatoes, grated cheese, crispy bacon or olives. Experiment with spices and herbs to create unique and surprising combinations. Remember to add salt and pepper at the end of cooking to enhance the flavours.

Pan recipes for expertly cooking courgettes are a quick and easy way to enjoy this versatile vegetable in all its goodness. Choose quality courgettes, cut them carefully and cook them creatively to obtain dishes that will conquer the palates of all guests.


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