Tag: biscuits

Soft apple biscuits by Benedetta Rossi, better than the classic cake. They melt in your mouth – Gordon Ramsay’s version

soft apple biscuits 2


Soft apple biscuits they are perfect for a light breakfast or a tasty snack. These treats are super easy to make and don’t take long particular skills nor hard-to-find ingredients. Among the many apple-based recipes, these biscuits stand out for their simplicity and goodness, ideal to prepare alone 30 minutes without the need for molds or rolling pin. This is possible by following the recipe step by step Benedetta Rossi. Tasty and genuine, they will conquer everyone with their delicate flavor and soft consistency. Try them and you’ll see how one leads to another!

Soft apple biscuits


  • 2 eggs
  • 100 g of sugar
  • 100 g of butter
  • 350 g of 00 flour
  • 16 g of baking powder
  • 2 apples
  • Cinnamon to taste
  • Powdered sugar to taste


Let’s start preparing the soft apple biscuits breaking the eggs into a large bowl and mixing them with an electric whisk. Add the sugar and continue mixing until obtained a homogeneous compound. Add the softened butter and mix again until it is well blended with the other ingredients. Prepare the flour and add it a little at a time, continuing to mix, together with the baking powder. When the dough starts to come together denserwork it with a spoon and add the remaining flour until you obtain a soft consistency.

At this point, join peeled apples and cut into small pieces and mix well. With the help of a spoon, arrange the spoonfuls of dough on a baking tray lined with baking paper, without worrying about obtaining a regular shape. Cook the biscuits in a preheated static oven at 180°C for about 20 minutes, or in a fan oven at 170°C for the same time. Your soft apple biscuits they are ready. Store them in a tin or airtight container, in a cool, dry place, to keep them fragrant and tasty for at least 2-3 days.

READ ALSO—> Sicilian clouds, Only 3 ingredients for biscuits that have memories of childhood and melt in your mouth


Homemade chocolate spelled biscuits – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Homemade chocolate spelled biscuits


The Homemade chocolate spelled biscuits they are a delicious and healthy alternative for breakfast or a snack, perfect when combined with fresh fruit.

These mini spelled biscuits represent a tasty and nutritious option, ideal for starting the day with the energy of chocolate or for a delicious break in the afternoon.

The puffed spelled, the main ingredient of this recipe, is an ancient cereal known for its excellent nutritional properties. Spelled flakes are obtained by processing the whole grain and this process allows the nutrients of the spelled to be kept intact, including fibre, proteins and mineral salts such as iron and magnesium.

Spelled is also a good source of B vitamins, which support energy metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system. Thanks to its low glycemic index, spelled provides long-lasting energy, avoiding glycemic peaks that can lead to drops in energy and sudden hunger.

Chocolate spelled biscuits are particularly popular for their versatility. You can enjoy them at breakfastaccompanied by a glass of milk, vegetable drink or yogurt, and fresh fruit for a complete and balanced meal.

They are also a great choice for one healthy snack, to take with you to school or work. The combination of spelled and chocolate offers a perfect balance between sweetness and nutrition, satisfying the palate without sacrificing health.

Preparing these biscuits at home allows you to control the ingredients and quality, guaranteeing a snack free of preservatives and additives. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to get involved children in the kitchenmaking preparation a moment of sharing and fun.


Greek yogurt cup, strawberries and biscuits – Gordon Ramsay’s version




There yogurt cup, strawberries and biscuits it is a simple, delicious and quick to prepare dessert, with few calories, excellent both for breakfast and as a dessert dessert light.

This light dessert is ideal for breakfast and yes prepare the night before so in the morning you have a healthy breakfast ready to consume. The ingredients are dry biscuits, low-fat Greek yogurt sweetened slightly with a little honey and lots of fresh strawberries.

You can experiment with changing the various ingredients and therefore always prepare a different dessert. For example, you can change the type of yogurt, choosing a fruit yogurt, the type of biscuit or fruit. Create always different more or less delicious versions!

Greek yogurt and strawberry cups they can be kept for 1-2 days maximum in the fridge. To appreciate the crunchiness of the biscuit, the ideal is to consume the dessert immediately. If you like it softer, you can also moisten the biscuits with milk or fruit juice.

The recipe is very quick to prepare, you will need strawberries, yogurt, biscuits.

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