Tag: heavy cream

Black forest cake (Original illustrated recipe) by Tavolartegusto – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Cocoa sponge cake for Black Forest Cake


There Black forest cake (Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte) it’s a Sweet layered, majestic and delicious originally from Germany, appreciated all over the world! It is made with a base of Sponge Cake With Chocolatesoaked with bagna al Kirsch (cherry liqueur) filled with cream mounted and cherries which also garnish the surface! To complete, chocolate decorations in scales, which symbolically represent how much it is sharp pain And darkthe ‘black forest or themountainous area Baden Wurttemberg, Germany; place where it is said that the dessert was born and from which it takes its name from which literally means: Black Forest Cherry Cake . Isn’t she magnificent? Today I’ll explain how to prepare it at home in a manner simple!

It’s good to say that they exist different versions. For example the Italian variant And Austrian is prepared with Cherries in Syrup. The one I give you today is the Original recipe of the Black Forest Cake, accompanied by many tricks illustrated with step by step photos to have a perfect result ; which I learned to make during a professional pastry making course. The great thing is that you can make the black forest dessert either in summer with fresh caramelized cherries as tradition dictates. Let it be winter with those in jars (in Germany they are already sold caramelized ready to make the Black Forest) or with cherries in syrup or black cherries and even candied cherries! Find all the details in the process! In any case, my advice is organize yourself with the times. Follow the directions and you will be applauded not only for the beauty but also for the divine chocolate taste caramelized cherries And cream they hug perfectly together Perfect for great opportunitiesfrom the holidays of Christmas to the dessert at the end of the meal, or of course for one birthday cake chic and elegant!

How to make black forest cake

My advice is to divide the preparation into 2 days: day 1 to dedicate yourself to the basics; on day 2 for assembly.

Day 1 (or to be done very early in the morning if you want to do everything in 1 day)

First of all, make the base following the procedure found in CHOCOLATE SPONGE CAKE

Cocoa sponge cake for Black Forest Cake

Then, once cooked and unmolded, set aside to cool and only once cold, seal it in cling film and place it in the fridge for 2 – 3 hours (this way it will be easier to cut it)

While the base is cooking, wash the fruit (except for about 10 pieces which you will need for decoration, whole and wash them and dry them at the end) and pit the cherries. If you don’t have the appropriate tool, you can easily use a stiff straw. :

pit cherries for black forest cake

Finally, insert the pitted cherries into a pan together with the sugar, stir well and caramelise over a low heat for 5 minutes, then add the Kirsch liqueur and leave to simmer over a low heat for around 5 minutes.

The result must be juicy caramelized cherries full of syrup, not crumbled but whole:

caramelize cherries for black forest cake

Finally, filter the juice that will become the Kirsch syrup and set aside the cherries that will be the filling for the black forest cake:

kirsch dip for black forest cake

Seal both bowls with cling film and after allowing them to cool to room temperature, place them in the fridge for 2 – 3 hours.

Day 2 (or to be made in the middle of the day after having respected at least 3 hours of rest between sponge cake in the fridge / syrup and cherries)

Assembling the black forest cake (useful tips and tricks)

First of all, take all the bases out of the fridge at least 20 minutes before proceeding: the chocolate sponge cake, the cherries and the syrup.

In the meantime, whip the cream with the sugar until stiff, be careful not to overdo it otherwise it will curdle.

Finally, my advice is to insert the whipped cream directly into a piping bag for a better filling.

Then divide the sponge cake into 3 discs of the same thickness, approximately 2 cm, mark the lines with a cut, so as not to make mistakes and proceed with a sharp knife.

At this point, place the base of the chocolate sponge cake directly on a serving plate on which you will serve the dessert.

Then proceed to wet, using a kitchen brush, starting from the edge and then lightly wet the inside as well.

Attention! Don’t wet this first base too much otherwise you risk breaking the cake.

Then add a generous layer of whipped cream and a handful of caramelized cherries:

assemble the black forest cake

Finally, add another disc of chocolate sponge cake on top of the freshly made filling and proceed by repeating the operation: wet the sponge cake starting from the edges, add the whipped cream and finally the caramelized cherries.

Finally, add the last disc of chocolate sponge cake, last soaked in syrup.

Then cover the entire black forest cake with the rest of the whipped cream starting from the surface, and then moving to the side edges:

garnish the black forest cake

Then return to the surface and flatten well.

At this point, place the cake in the fridge to harden and also place the cream you will need to complete the decoration in the fridge.

Black forest cake decoration

While the dessert is in the fridge you can quickly create the chocolate decoration.

First of all, scrape about 2 tablespoons of flakes from the whole chocolate which will serve as decoration on the surface.

Then melt the rest in a bain-marie, finally temper quickly with two knives or two spoons or turn and literally cut the melted chocolate with the steel to avoid creating white streaks.

then immediately roll it out to a thickness of 2 mm on baking paper with a spatula and roll it up slowly, not too tightly:

black forest cake topper1

Roll everything up to the end, place in the freezer for 30 – 40 seconds to harden

Warning! Do not leave it in the freezer otherwise it will harden and you will have difficulty obtaining long pieces.

When you unroll after the indicated time, the chocolate will be solid but still tender, so as you unroll you can gradually cut strips that will act as a black forest!

black forest cake decoration2

At this point we are there!

First of all, take the cake out of the fridge, wash and dry the rest of the cherries perfectly.

Then insert the rest of the whipped cream into a piping bag with a star nozzle and make tufts, one next to the other.

decorate the black forest cake

Then insert the chocolate flakes in the center and finally add the long chocolate decorations on the edge, alternating longer pieces with smaller ones.

At this point, add a cherry to each tuft of cream.

Here’s yours ready Black forest cake

black forest cake recipe

My advice is to leave it in the fridge for at least 30 minutes before serving, or even better 1 hour.

Here’s what the inside of the car looks like slice of black forest cake:

Black forest cake interior

Tips and Variations

Self you don’t have fresh cherries you can make the black forest cake with black cherries or even with them candied cherries or syrupin a jar

What to use instead of Kirsch? you can use rum or a liqueur of your choice.

If you want to make one instead Non-alcoholic black forest cake therefore without liqueur, I recommend you make my Vanilla Bagna which you can insert directly into the cherries to be caramelized just as the procedure indicates instead of the Kirsch

Finally for those who want to make a Black Forest Cake super easyyou can simply replace the fruit and skip the whole caramelization step and alternate layers of cream and cherry jam!


In the fridge for about 2 days, then I recommend freezing!

Are you looking for other creative ideas? Look at my entire collection of decorated cakes


Medlars: The Miracle Fruit for Skin, Sight and Heart – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Medlars: The Miracle Fruit for Skin, Sight and Heart


Medlars, sweet and juicy fruits originating from south-east China, are now appreciated throughout the world not only for their flavor but also for the numerous benefits they bring to health. Also known and used in traditional Chinese medicine, medlars boast properties that make them a precious food for daily well-being.

A Treasure of Vitamins and Minerals

Medlars grow on trees with large, shiny leaves, with the scientific name of Eriobotrya japonica, different from Mespilus germanica, the European medlar. Rich in water (87%) and with just 47 calories per 100 grams, medlars are an excellent source of vitamins, mineral salts and fibre. Their main nutrients include potassium, vitamins A and B, iron, manganese and copper.

Health Benefits

  1. Cardiovascular protection: The potassium content of medlars helps maintain electrolyte balance and regulate blood pressure, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  2. Cholesterol reduction: The fibers present in medlars bind excess fats in the intestine, helping to reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.
  3. Improved Vision: Rich in vitamin A, medlars protect the retina and fight free radicals.
  4. Intestinal regularity: Pectin, a soluble fiber, helps eliminate toxins and promotes intestinal regularity.
  5. Care of the skin and mucous membranes: Vitamin A has an antioxidant action that protects the skin and mucous membranes from aging.
  6. Renewal of Blood Cells: Minerals such as magnesium, manganese, copper and iron are essential for the formation of new red blood cells.
  7. Alleviation of Kidney Problems: Medlars act as diuretics, helping to eliminate uric acids, useful in cases of hyperuricemia, gout and kidney stones.

Phytotherapeutic Properties of the Leaves

The leaves of the medlar also have notable beneficial properties. In phytotherapy, they are used as expectorants and mucolytics to treat coughs. In traditional Chinese medicine, they are used against headaches, back pain and vomiting, thanks to their antiviral and anti-inflammatory compounds.

Consumption and Conservation

A portion of medlars is equivalent to 2-3 medium fruits. They are in season between May and June and must be consumed fresh, after having peeled and washed them carefully. They can be enjoyed as a snack or dessert, as well as made into sauces and jams.

Watch out for the hazelnuts

Despite the benefits of medlars, it is important to avoid stones that contain amygdalin, a substance that releases toxic hydrogen cyanide in large quantities.

Summer and Winter Medlars: Differences

In addition to summer medlars, there are winter medlars (Mespilus germanica), harvested in November. These have a different appearance and must ripen before being consumed. Although more caloric, they are equally rich in minerals and vitamins, with diuretic, hypotensive, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

In conclusion, medlars are a precious fruit for health, also suitable for those following a slimming diet, thanks to their low calorie content and richness in essential nutrients.


Father, Husband, Journalist. A #GlutenFree and #Fearless traveller.


Homemade chocolate spelled biscuits – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Homemade chocolate spelled biscuits


The Homemade chocolate spelled biscuits they are a delicious and healthy alternative for breakfast or a snack, perfect when combined with fresh fruit.

These mini spelled biscuits represent a tasty and nutritious option, ideal for starting the day with the energy of chocolate or for a delicious break in the afternoon.

The puffed spelled, the main ingredient of this recipe, is an ancient cereal known for its excellent nutritional properties. Spelled flakes are obtained by processing the whole grain and this process allows the nutrients of the spelled to be kept intact, including fibre, proteins and mineral salts such as iron and magnesium.

Spelled is also a good source of B vitamins, which support energy metabolism and the functioning of the nervous system. Thanks to its low glycemic index, spelled provides long-lasting energy, avoiding glycemic peaks that can lead to drops in energy and sudden hunger.

Chocolate spelled biscuits are particularly popular for their versatility. You can enjoy them at breakfastaccompanied by a glass of milk, vegetable drink or yogurt, and fresh fruit for a complete and balanced meal.

They are also a great choice for one healthy snack, to take with you to school or work. The combination of spelled and chocolate offers a perfect balance between sweetness and nutrition, satisfying the palate without sacrificing health.

Preparing these biscuits at home allows you to control the ingredients and quality, guaranteeing a snack free of preservatives and additives. Plus, it’s a great opportunity to get involved children in the kitchenmaking preparation a moment of sharing and fun.


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