Gluten-Free Schiacciata with Biga to Fill – 24 hours of leavening with 1 g of Yeast [Saltimbocca Napoletano] – Gordon Ramsay’s version

Gluten-Free Schiacciata with Biga to Fill - 24 hours of leavening with 1 g of Yeast [Saltimbocca Napoletano]


Hi #Family💛 I’m finally sharing these wonderful stuffed flatbreads, made with biga and a gram of yeast with 24-hour leavening!

For #sabatopizza, I prepare the biga on Friday evening, I let it rise in the fridge all night and the next day at lunchtime I prepare the main dough, as written in the steps below!

It is a very hydrated dough, if you are a beginner I recommend decreasing the quantity slightly waterfallif you then change the mix, as you know, you have to be even more careful, because the dose could change radically!

I worked it with the planetarybut if you want you can do without, using a spatula if you are comfortable.</a>


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